Monday, April 2, 2007

Changing your perspective…

I heard a story the other day about how the war against drugs is starting to affect the Amish Community. One Amish family realized that their teenage boy was not ready for the real world and decided to do something about it. They decide that they would leave the farm for the weekend and go to some place that they had never been before to show their son there was more to the world then the farm. During their trip they decided to check into a 5 star hotel. So the father, mother and their teenage boy went to the hotel. They had never seen anything like it. They were blown away to say the least having never seen anything close to it. As the mother was trying to check in the family the father and the son went to take have a look around. As they walked they came to the elevator at the end of the hall. Because they had never seen one before the both of them just stood there staring at the elevator. As they were watching an elderly woman walked over to the elevator, the doors open and she went in and the doors closed. A few second later the doors open again and a beautiful young woman came walking out. Amazed at what just took place the father looks at his sons and said “Go get your mother!!!”

You may or may not have thought that this story was funny but I told you it to try to make a point. The point is that sometimes we look for a magical formula to change things when if we just tried to look at things from a different perspective we would start to appreciate what we have.

Do you appreciate what you have or do you think if you had something else you will be happier? Chances are if you are not happy with what you have now you will not be happy with something else. Does happiness really come from what you have or does it come from some other place. Maybe in your quest to find something else that will make you happy you are missing what is right under your nose. Just a little something I have been thinking about….
