Monday, March 19, 2007


For my first blog on my new site I wanted to share a little bit for a book that I am writing. It is not necessarily a book that is one to read but it is a note book that I have next to me when I read a book. As a read a book I can quickly write down thoughts that make me think. In this post I want to share a few of these thoughts from some of my heroes.

As you read them let the statements provoke thought in you because they did to me.

"One design of God in the gospel is to bring us to make God the object of our undivided respect, that He may engross our regard every way, that whatever natural inclination there is in our souls, he may be the center of it; that God may be all in all." Jonathan Edwards

"You see the Christian faith is really not one that calls us to a ceremonial life by means of which spirituality is attained. Rather, it challenges us to remember that by our own efforts we cannot produce a truly spiritual life It takes the Holy Spirit in us." Ravi Zacharias

"Let us then consider it certain and firmly established that the soul can do without anything except the Word of God and that where the Word of God is missing there is no help at all for the soul." Martin Luther

"No one doubts that an ordinary man can get on with this world: but we demand not strength enough to get on with it, but strength enough to get it on... Can he hate it enough to change it, and yet love it enough to think it is worth changing? Is he enough of a pagan to die for the world and enough of a christian to die to it?" G.K. Chesterton

I would like to hear what thoughts they provoked within you.
